Over three years ago I took the plunge and purchased two house plants, and in the back of my mind I kept chanting “please don’t die, please don’t die”. Fast forward to today and those two plants are still sitting in my house happily growing.
Each year that I keep these plants alive I’ve added at least one more bringing my total number of house plants to 6 (in the hope to convince my husband that I still need more)! Sure I’ve had 2 plants die on me, but that’s all from over-watering -another thing that I’ve learned about plants.
I will digress and say that I am far from a plant expert, but these are some of the things that I have learned over the years, these are the things that have helped me keep my plants alive.
My Current Favorite House Plants
Snake Plant / Mother-in-Laws-Tongue / Viper’s Bowstring Hemp
How to Care For Them
One main thing to note is that overwatering causes root rot which kills your plant -don’t give
your plant too much water (some of my plants don’t even get one cup of water in a week). When I go to water my plants I first check their soil, if the soil is still moist I give it a few days till I water the plant. When you first get a new plant it can take a bit of time to understand when it needs to be watered, but it’s not rocket science and you have a slew of resources on the internet and in the stores to help you if you come across a problem. (If you ever need help you can always email me or send me a message on Instagram @lyssadawson.)
Devil’s Ivy (Pothos): This plant grows best in indirect light, but never direct light, it can also grow great in low light. Pothos like to be watered when their soil is dry if you over water this plant the leaves may turn yellow. You’ll know it’s time to water the plant when the arms and leaves droop.
Snake Plant / Mother-in-Laws-Tongue / Viper’s Bowstring Hemp: By far the easiest plant to care for. The Snake Plant can handle direct sunlight and low light but likes indirect sunlight best. Do not water this plant too much, and be sure the soil is completely dry before you water it. I usually water mine every two weeks or so.
Aloe Vera: This plant grows best in indirect light, but if the light is too dim the plant will grow tall and long which is not ideal in the long run. These plants don’t need much water at all, in fact, they can go quite a while without being watered because they store their water in their arms. I usually water my Aloe Vera once every two or so weeks, making sure the soil is completely dry.
Dumb Canes (Difenbachia): This plant grows best in indirect light, never place it near a sunny window because the leaves will wilt and burn. The leaves on these plants lose their vibrant colors when they are in direct sunlight. Only water when the soil is dry and mist with water occasionally to rid of pests.
Dracaena: This plant grows best in indirect light, never place it near a sunny window because the leaves will wilt and burn. Keep the soil lightly misted but never soggy, mist leaves weekly at all times. These plants grow really slow so they are great as small tabletop plants.
Common Ivy (English Ivy): This plant grows best in indirect light, never place it near a sunny window because the leaves will wilt and burn. Only water Ivy when its soil is dry, and mist with water once a week during summer. These plants can grow rather quickly if you take proper care of them.
That completes the names and information I have on my house plants. I hope you were able to learn something from this, and I hope that you can feel capable of owning a house plant or two of your own. They are so fun to have and I can truly say that I feel so happy when I walk around my house and I can see plants growing everywhere. It’s so fun, and such a great visual reward.
If you ever have any questions please feel free to send me an email at alyssadawsonblog@gmail.com or send me a message on Instagram @lyssadawson.
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