There is so much to think about when preparing for a new baby, the list of things to do for the big day never seems to end. But, at the same time, you aren’t exactly sure what to prepare for. Birth is all a big mystery, especially when you are having your fist. All the anxiousness and excitement can get you second-guessing yourself a thousand times over. So, I’ve compiled a list of simple things to do to get ready for the big day. Enjoy!
Tips for Getting Ready for The Big Day
Stop Stressing: At this point stressing will do more harm to you and your baby. Just relax, think about the happy moments that will come right after you have delivered your baby, like the first time you get to hold them and touch their soft skin. Of course, it’s okay to be nervous about delivery and birth, that’s completely natural. But remember that you can only control so many things that happen, let the rest go.
Your Go-Bag is Not That Big of A Deal: You don’t need your entire wardrobe in your go-bag. I brought my everyday toiletries, makeup, a going home outfit for Hanna and myself, a swaddle for her, and a beanie that I crochet for her. I wore the hospital gown the whole time which was less laundry for me to do when I got home. And I used their pillows and blankets because you don’t really get a whole lot of sleep anyway, plus I didn’t want to bring home hospital germs on my pillow. For us it was easy to bring so little, we live five minutes from the hospital, so if you live farther I could see the want to bring more things.
Think About Cord Blood Banking: This is something I wish I would have thought more about and done more research on before I had Hanna. Your baby’s umbilical cord is made of tissue and contains blood, both of which are rich sources of powerful stem cells. Today, many conditions may be treatable with cord blood as a part of a stem cell transplant, including various cancers and blood, immune, and metabolic disorders ( Cord Blood Registry (CBR) makes it affordable for families to preserve newborn stem cells through payment plans or gift registry alternatives so that it’s not an out of reach option. Cord Blood Banking is an interesting thing to think about when you’re getting ready for the big day, and just another way to plan for your family’s future.
If you’re interested in enrolling with CBR it’s an easy process. Plus, you can receive a discount code for $200 off of the initial fees when you fill out your information here.
Here are 5 simple steps get set-up with CBR:
1. Enroll with CBR online at or call 1-888- 240-1996
2. CBR ships you a collection kit.
3. Bring your kit to the hospital on your big day.
4. Call the medical courier after your baby is born and the cord blood and/or cord tissue
has been collected by your healthcare professional.
5. Relax. CBR handles the rest and will notify you when they have received your collection
Make sure to visit CBR’s website or watch this informative video to get more information on how cord blood banking works.
Spend Time With Your Husband: In a matter of weeks, it will no longer be just the two of you. Take time to just be with him, try not to talk about baby things and enjoy these little moments together. You’ll have plenty of time to talk about baby stuff another day.
Line Up Postpartum Help: Having a baby is a lot of work, and so is taking care of one. Find people to help you once you’ve come home from the hospital. Call your mom and see if she can come for a few afternoons each
week so you can make sure you’re getting enough sleep. Prepare dinner ideas before you have a baby that way your husband can help you make and purchase items for dinner. Overall, don’t be ashamed to ask for help.
Clean Your House: Last but not least make sure you have a clean house to come home to. It’s so refreshing coming home from the hospital to a nice freshly cleaned house. If you are able to, deep clean as much as possible, if not hire someone to do it for you. You won’t regret the feeling of a nice clean home after your hospital stay.
Beautiful baby & Congratulations!!! This post made me miss this phase of my life, which seems like only yesterday. I totally agree with you on these points especially on spending time with the hubby since once baby arrives, there isn’t much time to strengthen the relationship before the stress of sleepless nights and grumpiness hits both of you. 😉
The little angel warms my heart <3 I will so remember all of this whenever in the future I have to go through this period. Also, I would love to store the stem cells too.
I have never had a child so have never had to think about alot of this. Thank you for all the info because one day I know I will become a mom too.
I had no idea cord blood banking was a thing. That’s so amazing! <3
Those are really great tips for a new mother. Saving your baby cord blood is just a great thing to do. It can help so many people out. Thank you for the information.