Live Healthily: Drink water and feed your body good food. You deserve it. You work hard all day and you and your body deserve to be healthy. Sure you will often find me snacking on junk food -see above pictures- and eating way too much chocolate, but my body always feels better when I eat something healthy. This also goes for drinking water. I love water. It’s so good for your body and really helps give you energy. Did you also know that drinking water can help you lose weight?!
Decompress When the Day is Over: Before you go to bed find some time to just sit back and relax. Maybe watch a favorite show, read the new book you borrowed from the library. Do this every day for yourself and for your kids. give yourself some time to just veg. If the laundry is piling up don’t worry about it, it will be there tomorrow. And tomorrow, when you tackle it, you’ll be happy you took care of yourself first.
What are your favorite ways to take care of yourself as a mom? In what ways have you seen a change in your life/children’s lives when you take care of yourself first?
I challenge you all to find time every day to take care of you and to make you a priority for once, not in a selfish way, but in a way that makes you feel ready to tackle your day.
Getting ready for the day makes you feel so good. It really is something I recommend and do too.
It's so important to do a few things for ourselves as moms. We're important too and we need to keep remembering that!
Yes! So important to take care of ourselves as mothers. It's often the last thing on our mind, but feeling good makes you a better mom too. It's also great to set an example to you kids.
Yes to all of this!!! There is a huge difference in my day when I get up and get dressed vs. rolling out of bed at the same time as the kids. And getting organized with my bullet journal was also a huge game-changer for me.
Great tips! As a mom I feel that taking care of ourselves is extremely important because we're the ones that keep the sanity in place lol
Motherhood can be a guilt inspiring thing for many. So 'me time' for the important, and the fun stuff is an absolute essential – well said!
Yes! I love this so much. I am definitely a better mom when I'm able to take time away from my kids and step out of my "mom role" for a short time.
YES! Moms especially need to make sure to take care of themselves. It definitely makes us better at caring for our littles.