Last week around here was a little rough to say the least. Hazel was quite angry most of the time -new teeth coming in- and she wasn’t sleeping very well for naps or at night. So the moral of the story is that we were both sleep deprived and in pain. HA! Her more than I was obviously. Towards the end of the week things seemed to get better and today has been one hundred times better than any day last week. THANK YOU!!!
Hazel fell asleep to Bob Ross again… on Friday… And if I could send him a thank you letter it would have all the hearts, kissy faces, and high fives. I love when she is cuddly like this. It’s seriously the best thing, to know that she feels so comfortable in my arms, to know that she feels safe. I couldn’t be any more happy when I’m holding my sleeping girl.
This weekend we rearranged our furniture, it was kind of stressful -I don’t know why it has to be I mean it’s just furniture. But when you get two stubborn people who can’t make up their minds it takes forever and gets old real quick. But, we decided to just leave it like this for now to see how it grows on us. Our space is kind of an awkward space and we don’t really have much to work with when it comes to rearranging, but I think we did the best with what we could.
Hazel’s room has been getting pretty cold at night so I’ve been putting her in long sleeved pjs. Doggie pjs none the less. I don’t think she realized she was wearing dogs until I pointed it out the next morning at breakfast.
Hazel, you have dogs on your pants!
DAAWWWWG!!! *in a high pitched screech*
She was excited, to say the least. The picture above has nothing to do with the fact that she loved he dog pjs. I was asking her to smile for certain people and the only one she would smile for was paw (grandpa -she named him). It was kind of sweet and went something like this:
Hazel, smile for gran!
Hazel, smile for paw!!
Happy Monday!
That picture of her asleep in your arms! All the heart eyes!