I don’t know, there’s nothing more fun than joining in on a “how we wore it” with a bunch of other fashion bloggers. I love seeing how everyone interprets each outfit, and it seriously gives me such great ideas on how I can use the clothes in my closet. Because, let’s be honest, not everyone can just go out and buy whatever they want at the store to recreate the outfits they see on pinterest. So this really gives me lots of inspiration and ideas on using what I’ve already got.
inspiration outfit via
My interpretation of the outfit.
dress: c/o sheinside shoes: converse jacket: (seriously from middle school)
I sure seem to like this look. Something about pairing tennis shoes with a dress just screams comfortable. I mean, I really like dresses because I just feel so constricted in pants –it is just me?! And am I making this awkward? Also, I like tennis shoes, I like them because you can run in them, and they don’t slip off your feet when you walk. I have a horrible time with flats so much that it can be really embarrassing walking out in public. Anyways, for me, comfort is key when I’ve got Hazel in tow, and I guess even when I’m sans Hazel I like comfort too.
Can I direct your attention to the little back in the third picture… that’s Hazel eating rocks. She’s quite intrigued at testing them all out, I’m convinced she thinks she’s going to find one that taste like chocolate. She only got one successfully in her mouth before I caught her in the act. I could sense her back there and I could only imagine the trouble she was getting her self into. The rocks.
As we walked home Hazel also wanted to test out a few leaves, but I’ve developed this thing called mom reflexes and those leaves hit the ground faster than you could say hi. Crazy girl.
Anyways, this outfit is also nice because you can go from day to night just by changing your shoes, or even changing your jacket, maybe going without the jacket?! The possibilities are endless!
How would you style this look with the clothes in your closet?!
All the other interpretations: Deidre at Deidre Emme – Katelyn at The Suitcase Blonde – Elise at Sparkle and Slippers – Amy at Harris inc. – Madeline at CaseyLand – Rachel at Rachel Sayumi – Amber at Amber Nicole Blogs – Brooke at Silver Lining – Berkley at Here in the Now – Kyla at FordOlogy – Robin at Penn & Quill – Ashley at Absolutely Ashley – Autumn at Stay gold Autumn – Aubrey at Aubrey Zaruba – Sierra at Sierra’s View – Alyssa at Impractical Composition – Justine at Little Dove Creations – Bekah at These Are The Days – Kylie at Love Always, Kylie If you want to join in on the fun next month make sure you visit Deidre at Deidre Emme!
Seriously we need to be best friends ASAP. I love your style. And also we live right by ASU. And also toddler play dates. And also I love The Office.
I love how you wore it. You look so cute!
I love the blue and flow style with the jacket. Very cute.
Gorgeous! I love that blue. So pretty on you
Loving the cobalt on you beautiful!
Cute! I've never paired tennis shoes with a dress before but I'm going to try it now! Also, I love that you've had that jacket since middle school!
I love this color blue, it makes me think of a tropical ocean. Or at least what I think it would look like. I need to still cross that off my "list".
I love that blue color!! PRETTY! And I love that you took it from the greens to the blues – gave it a fun twist. Thanks for joining in!
Love that dress! I'm a big fan of pleats and the blue color is gorgeous. 🙂
so much love for that pretty color.
That color looks amazing on you!! & that dress is to DIE FOR!! So glad i found your blog through this collab 🙂
That blue dress is stunning!