Holy cow where did my November go? I’m pretty sure yesterday was Halloween, wasn’t it? The weekends around here have been lazy to say the least. Brand has been out on school break for three weeks -at first I was like well there goes my daily routine, and then I was like don’t go back to school!! We had a whole lot of things to do on our list during this break, most of them had to do with getting ready for this little girl to make her big debut. Some of the things we got done were: paint baby room/closet, A+A Christmas gift, put together nursery, and so on. Other things didn’t seem like too much fun to accomplish, I mean who wants to take their car to the mechanic on their school break? And yard work? No-such-thing. We did get quite a bit done, but it always seems like there is so much to do still. That’s just how it works isn’t it.
This weekend was such a fun weekend. Brand and I love being with family and spending time together. All the family was in town and we had a blast. When you live within walking distance of your parents and your in-laws holidays are super fun and you never go hungry. Two dinners is always a must for us on holidays.
Usually, after we’ve spent time with our family and they become sick of us, Brand and I head out to scope the Black Friday deals – a lot of the time it’s just to watch the crazy people. This year was a bit different though because I was the only one who wanted to continue the tradition -something about this time next year I’ll have a baby had a little bit to do with it. So instead I went Black Friday shopping with the Dawson girls -destination: Target. We had fun, the lines were long, and there weren’t as many people as there had been years before, I assume it’s because they started to stinking early -I’m not a fan. I didn’t find anything that I needed when I was there, I’m telling you, I’ve got pretty good self control when it comes to buying things, maybe it’s because I know how much money I don’t have in the bank.
The rest of our weekend was spent picking out Christmas lights, being with family, seeing the new Stephen Hawking film, and soaking up the last bits of fall break before Brand headed back to school. I’d say overall though, our break was good.