I’m pretty sure time is flying at an unruly pace, everything seems to be going by so fast I cannot seem to figure out where my days are going. I guess they are right when they say time flies when you’re having fun, this is especially true when you have work, and even more true when you are at work and not having fun because then time practically stands still.
Friday was Brand’s White Coat Ceremony, no, no, he hasn’t graduated quite yet it’s just a tradition that the school does to welcome the students and share their excitement for these future doctors. The whole thing was great, I found my self dazing off a little bit here and there though, don’t people understand that when we go to events like these we are simply looking to clap for our person, Brand being my person. It’s like all the other hullabaloo is pretty pointless. I did hear a few things that one of the speakers was talking about, especially because I found it so outrageous. She -the Dean of the school- said that she received phone calls from parents asking if their kids are okay, and wondering if they should come down and help them with their school work, you know make it less stressful. She also said that some parents stay in the student’s dorms as their idea of moral support. I was rather confused by the whole thing and I couldn’t believe that graduate students had parents that were still so much into their lives, but then I guess there’s exception to ever rule… but is there? I mean calling the Dean of the school? Yikes.
I must admit, I’ve become quite addicted to these waxy things, and I love them even more when they are cold. I’m pretty sure this is what has taken refuge on my hips and made me no longer eligible to fit into some of my church skirts. But really, lets not blame it on me, my doctor told me that if I have a craving I need to listen to it. And so what if I crave these morning, noon, and night/-fine maybe I don’t crave them that often. I would also like to give thanks to these leggings and Brand’s shirt, they are the most comfortable thing to wear right now. Can someone please direct me to a store where I can purchase more of these leggings, but the kinds that aren’t so thin?
I also started working on another blanket for baby girl, check out the pattern here.
How was your weekend?!
So cuuuute!
Old Navy, i love their maternity clothes. I have a pair of their leggings, they are pretty thick.
Love those donuts! There is just something about them! Congrats to your hubby on his "white coat"!