^picture via dad, and then he posted it to fb. what a turd (:
And so yesterday was one of my first last days of school. Technically tomorrow is my last first day of school because that’s when my actual classes start, but yesterday pretty much started it all off. It was one of those days where the staff says “let’s come up with the meanest thing to do to these seniors.” and then they decided to lecture ALL DAY LONG. I can’t really complain though because I got 8 internship hours for sitting in a class and listening to people talk. Not-too-shabby… I guess.
We had a few breaks here and there and I went with a group of classmates to a corner bakery and ordered my typical mac&cheese. If I’ve never been to a place before I always look for the “safe” foods and mac&cheese is my main squeeze. So I paid 7$ for that mac&cheese, 7$! I was surprised when I found out how much it was and was thinking the cheese was made of diamonds or something. One thing I have to say is that if you sell your mac&cheese for 7$ it had better be the best I’ve ever had. It was good, but it wasn’t the best. And then I started thinking about how I would love to have like 5 different mac&cheeses in front of me so I could really accurately judge who makes it the best.
After class got out I took a stroll downtown and walked to my dad’s work. I felt kind of touristy because of all the pictures I was taking, but let’s get real, I don’t have many downtown pictures in my picture collection. I walked and walked in 108 degree heat, thankfully some of the buildings shaded me, I saw charming charlie’s and was tempted to walk inside, but realized I had my backpack on and they would probably mistake me for a robber. Maybe next time. I don’t know what it is about a city with tall buildings, but it makes me feel adventurous. I have to say, it’s definitely no new york!
(could you spot the group of freshmen? why would you wear an asu shirt the first day of school?)
108 degrees? Yuck! Yuuum mac and cheese though! 🙂