shirt: tjmaxx, jeans: f21, sandals: target
This weekend was one of those weekends that I’ve been waiting for ever since spring break ended.
Saturday we went to AHS, and then celebrated my dad’s birthday later in the evening.
And on Sunday we celebrated mother’s day and got to talk to our brothers!
All last week I didn’t have a car, and I didn’t have work so I was stuck inside all day every day.
Unless I wanted to walk somewhere, which wasn’t going to happen.
So when Friday came along I was more than ready to get out of the house.
We didn’t really have a plan for date night, but we recently fell in love with the Wisconsin Cauliflower soup at Cafe Zoupas so that became our destination.
Later we found ourselves at a local bookstore just sitting down and reading.
We’ve become quite the bookworms.
We got lost in our books for about an hour.
I was reading the thrilling tale of Catching Fire.
(we are reading it for our blog book club, you should join!)
I just can’t seem to put the book down, it’s so good!
It was nice to just sit and read a good book and it kind of made me feel like a hipster.
All I needed were some glasses, a scarf and a gold watch to seal the deal!
While we were sitting there reading I couldn’t help but think how wonderful and relaxing it was just to be able to sit and read a book.
To not have to worry about work, or school, or life in general, it was a feeling that I’ve been waiting for, for a long time.
I love those kinds of Friday nights.
Happy Monday!
Linking up:
Love your sandals! Is that from the Sam and Libby collection? 🙂
catching fire is so good. I should read it again before the movie comes out.
Such a cute, casual outfit! Love the sandals! Found your blog through the Plane Pretty Sunday Style Linkup. I'm now following you! Would love for you to check out my blog too at
pretty top! I love an easy boho look!
Stopping over from the lovely comment you left. I love those sandals! I'm going to have to make a run to Target now 🙂 New follower!
High Heels and Training Wheels