shirt: hanger love, skinnies: wet seal, shoes: payless, necklace: f21, bracelet: tiffany’s, juicy, az humane society. earrings: the limited
– Explaining why I only have x amount of $$ to buy a car to an 8 year old. And looking only at the cars that we can afford. “You don’t want to buy THAT car, do you?!”
– Sitting on the bus and the person behind me starts snoring. Obviously they had a hard night the night before. (also, this is more awkward for them)
– At the school computer lab and my spacebar wasn’t working. I literally had to slam it for it to work. Mind you the computer lab is a rather quiet place so you can imagine hearing me SLAM my spacebar.
– Asking people for rides, and to burrow their car. I think the whole one car situation is getting really old.
– Being the only daughter and only granddaughter. This means that I’m the only one who is allowed to sign my name as “Love, your favorite daughter” or “Love, your favorite granddaughter.”
– Remember when I posted a few weeks ago about that girl who was talking bad about me? Well a few weeks before that she was looking at my phone case and told me that it looked like a ballerina slipper, but of course she wasn’t complimenting me. And on Tuesday I look at her phone case and it is the same phone case that I have, just a different color! haha!
– There was a girl sitting across from me in the computer lab and she had her volume turned up ALLLLL the way. So much that I could hear what she was listing to. I like Paramore too, but not enough to kill my ears!!
I love floral pants for spring! Great outfit! 🙂
And I totally agree – I hate the awkward ending to phone calls when you're just trying to get off the call! 🙂
I'm following GFC from Friend Connect Blog Hop. please return the favor and follow me back at Evoluchun's Miscellaneous
Eeek! I love those pants!!!
Love those pants! I need a good pair of printed pants.
Hiya! I'm stopping by from the GFC bloghop. It's nice to discover other bloggers in/from the SW! I look forward to reading more. xx
Amanda @ Rhyme & Ribbons
Super cute floral pants!
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