If you are following me on instagram you would have noticed a theme for this week. That being Fall. You see, In Arizona we have our seasons a little bit backward. Starting in mid April Summer begins, now it’s not 100plus degrees yet, but you know what I mean. Then when we hit October 31st it starts to cool down, and from December 25th till about January 20th it’s freezing cold. (This is typically the point in time where everyone and their dog gets sick) Between January and April the weather is almost perfect, but can seem warm to you non Arizonans.
So, this week the leaves fell from the trees and we thoroughly enjoyed them.
Follow me on instagram @lyssadawson
^^“…everyone wants to be excited by something magical and wondrous – to be reminded of how they once saw the world …” ― John Geddes
Dear Fall/Winter, Please don’t leave, as you can tell we are really enjoying having you around. We love playing in those crispy leaves and hearing them chomp beneath our feet. We love to see the last leaf on the tree just hang there with hope. We love to see the red cheeks and noses that children get, it helps us know that they are enjoying you too.
I think it's so funny that your seasons are backwards, and yet I know what you mean! We only just got snow – and I was raised in the north where snow comes by Christmas, thank you very much ; ) I love that picture of the child playing in the leaves : )
i'm jealous of your seasons! I live in Florida and yesterday it was in the 80's in the morning and I left work and it was in the 60's. It's bipolar here.
I am here from the insta friday. I love the photo of the last leaf…seriously…cool!
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My hubby and I are going down to Phoenix to see his parents in a few weeks. Hopefully the nice weather is there by then. 🙂