shirt: old navy, jacket: mom, belt/jeans: kohls, bracelet: nana, necklace: f21
– Giving group members participation points depending on how much they participated. This doesn’t really work out even if it’s anonymous, there are only 4 people in the group. #hategroupprojects
– Walking to my car after school and these girls from class are walking behind me.
Girl one to me: Hey! Are you in our next class?
Girl one to girl two: I don’t know what her name is do you?
Girl two to girl one: No.
I turn around and answer…
– My brain needs to start working because I know I have more awkward moments…
– Walking to my car after school and these girls from class are walking behind me.
Girl one to me: Hey! Are you in our next class?
Girl one to girl two: I don’t know what her name is do you?
Girl two to girl one: No.
I turn around and answer…
– My brain needs to start working because I know I have more awkward moments…
– Dinner conversations between Brand and I here is one of my favorites:
Me: Dang, my back hurts!
Brand: Welcome to old (:
– Date with best friends this weekend! So much fun!
– Getting to go to the park with the kids yesterday! I’m falling in love with Arizona all over again!
– Watching Annie, I still know every song! #thebest
– Watching Annie, I still know every song! #thebest
Also, go here to see if you won the bow ear warmer giveaway!
Huh, I've never seen a leather belt looped like that. Good idea, I'm gonna try it next time I need to.
Group projects are the worst. That's one thing I will not miss about school.
hate group projects. LOVE your hair.