These really cool phone cases.
Fell in love with this couple and their journey toward parent hood with this simple post.
This recipe looks awesome, and it’s perfect for fall!
Can’t believe Halloween is next month! I love searching Pinterest for cute ideas on things. Check out this Halloween page!
I’m not trying to be self centered, but tell me what you think about this new vest… I’m liking it.
Lastly, is it weird that this beat is kind of catchy? Its pretty funny! Look at how many views it has!! When I watched it there were 247,908,303 views, how about you!?
Happy Sunday Friends! I hope today you enjoy time with family, friends, loved ones, and yourself!
what I’m liking: sunday
I’m liking this picture today, and remembering our wedding day like it was yesterday!
Love the picture! Going to check out the video! Crazy how many views YouTube gets! Happy sunday!
I love those phone cases! And I love how you styled the vest! If I saw it on its own, I probably wouldn't like it, but you definitely made it work!
I love your hair in that picture. And the tiara? I keep mine on my nightstand and totally wish I could wear it everyday 🙂