Dear weather, I would really appreciate it if you were cooler and if you brought me some storm clouds! I would really love to be able to read outside this weekend!
Dear blog friends, did you know that I move to a different website? Its the same blog just a different url HERE And did you know that next week I’ll be giving away a handmade blanket over there!? $50 value? Did I mention there are other GREAT prizes?!
Dear week, thank you for going by so fast, I hate the work week but I love the weekend!
Dear weekend, please go by sllllooooooowwww.
Dear people who are mean, STOP!
Dear Brand, thank you for modeling your new birthday outfit! You look so handsome! (:
Thanks all,
Linking up:
Friday Letters
I so agree with the weather letter and the weekend needing to be slow!! I can't wait to read more posts! Cute blog 🙂