I was reading my friend Kelsie’s blog… wait first, do you know Kelsie? Well, get to know her because she is really sweet and so down to earth! I wish she lived by me because we would probably be great friends! Anyways, I was reading Kelsie’s blog as I do quite often and I saw her post about this:
Shane from Whispering Sweet Nothings is doing this awesome Bloggers Coast to Coast map where you can find bloggers that live in your area! Pretty cool! I thought I would post this so you all could join in and find some bloggy friends in your area! I think it’s a great idea and it’s a great way to make new friends!! Link up and have fun!!
how cool! thanks for sharing, i am always looking for other hawaii bloggers 🙂
please stop on by:
Maybe I'll stroll by Walmart soon & we can totes meet up! 😉
Alyssa, thanks so much for the shout out! I hope to get tons of people involved. Have a great week!
xo Shane