Happy Friday Everyone! I love Fridays because they are so laid back! Isn’t it great?! Do you have plans for the weekend?! I plan on running, finishing up my baby blanket orders, hanging with Brand (or course!) and just doing what ever I want! Isn’t that a great idea?! Well, lets rap up my week, and reminisce over what I did last weekend because unless I look at my instagram I couldn’t even tell you what I did! I think that happens to all of us! It just feels like it was so long ago!
First… are you playing photoadayjune?! I am!! follow me @lyssadawson to see what I’m up to!
/I made the Dean’s List this semester!!/
/yes, in my frozen yogurt I only put m&m’s!!/
/chicken tenders and fries will NEVER grow old with me!/
/visited some places downtown that I had never seen before, guys… I’ve lived in AZ my whole life and haven’t seen these places? Oh my../
/the week wouldn’t be complete without a few sessions of rock climbing. Yes, he is reaching over to take the picture, good thing we were stopped at a light while this was happening! Oh and I absolutely DO wear my earrings rock climbing (: /
<a href=”http://moda-chic-boutique.blogspot.com/” target=”_blank”><img src=”http://i951.photobucket.com/albums/ad358/aslamandt/3bc1ee3a9a1b11e19e4a12313813ffc0_72.jpg” /></a>
I’m linking up:
InstaFriday, & Follow Friday
I know this may be creepy, but were you at Walmart on 83RD and Union Hills yesterday evening?! I SWEAR it was you but didn't want to ask and be a creeper. Haha!