Cardi: Down East, Shirt: F21, Jeans: Buckle, Flats: Nine West, Necklace/Earrings: Gifted
Can you believe it’s March already?
This year has really flown by already!
Crazy isn’t it?
I’ve noticed lately that I haven’t been making very nice comments towards people I don’t know.
I noticed this the other day when I said something I shouldn’t have.
I stopped and thought to myself about how I would feel if someone said that about me.
Now let me say that I do not cuss and I am not an outspoken person.
But what I said was rude.
They didn’t hear me, or at least I didn’t think they did.
But, after that I thought, wow I’m a horrible person.
I don’t know what those people are going through and I have no right to judge them.
So my friends if your wanting to stop calling people mean names too lets do it together!
It shouldn’t be hard to keep a positive outlook and think positively about other people!
Anyways, just a little though from my weekend!
Have an awesome week everyone!
Check back this week for my next outfit post. I’m talking about Vintage and Retrospective clothing!
The print on that top is so pretty! And thanks for that sweet reminder to give others the benefit of the doubt!
lace, etc.
what a cute top! And I agree, kind words and a smile go a VERY long way!
<3 Nicole